Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dear friends,

at the end of this holiday season, i hope each of you had the chance to spend time with loved ones, sharing good food and good company, or simply enjoying this time of the year, doing something you’ve always postponed for the rest of the past one because of no time.

At the end of December we usually do a lot of reflections.

What were the things you were proud of, those things you’ve done that have brought you a great sense of joy, even if there wasn’t necessarily an economic return.

You think about your evolution, your courage, the risks you’ve taken. You think about your expression, your growths. To sum up…you think about how are you different this December than you were last December. And you think about the things you still have to do, “the missions you still want to accomplish”. (I always have an endless number of them!!)

Then you think about the things you’re grateful for…and some can be people, family, friends, mentors, colleagues, neighbours, dogs, who are an active and constant part of your everyday life…but it can also be food, education or simply your being alive.

These are only some of the things to be grateful for in advance for the new coming year, I guess. Some human beings are not that fortunate. So I feel like we should remember this not only at the end of the year, but everyday.

You know, I usually like to send you my wishes in a different way, so this year I’ve decided to write to you at the beginning of this New one, hoping this will be good. For you and for the world we’re all living in.

My wishes for you are:

  • to explore/discover what talent is sitting in your back pocket that you’ve not yet expressed…
  • to slow down, when you feel like you’re not living your life deeply
  • to reach out to someone
  • to share what you have with those who have less, whether it may be your money, your culture, your listening, your comprehension
  • to breathe the air intensely and drink your tap water, thinking about how to preserve them as much as you can

This beginning of the year we don’t have a very positive international scenario unfortunately. There are still many conflicts going on all over the world and we’re in the middle of what media are painting like the big crisis. And we’re all touched, we can see it in our everyday life, but we’re just the last victims of this globalized market and this corporate world, which already killed many before us in the non-western countries, but nobody said even a word. All this pushed us ‘til this point where there’s nothing left over to get no more.

As I’m used to be, I wanna be positive, inviting you to join forces with the purpose to create something that will benefit you and others, using your creativity and ideas. Because these are priceless “goods” I’m sure you have, to build something positive for yourself, your community, your workplace. And for these “goods” there’s no inflation, in a world where everything has a cost, you can have them for free!!! Lack of money can in some cases –not always, unfortunately- be replaced by your brain. Make it work!

Trusting in your abilities to change-what a wonderful word this year!- something that goes wrong in this planet, turning it in a positive one, I send you tons of love and a very Happy New Year.

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